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“Gorgona was a ruthless feminine monster, and at the same time a protector deity who came from the most ancient religious concepts of the world. Her power was so great that anyone who tried to look at her would be petrified”

After successive experiments together with dancer and dramatic researcher Paula Sacur; we have created a work where the languages of sound and movement converge. This is articulated in an atmosphere where the roles are unknown and the boundaries between bodies and objects which vibrate, sound, move roughly and illogically, are broken.

Inspired by the Greek mythology of the Gorgon and Pandora, and texts by Julia Kristeva, we have investigated the processes that define the wretched condition of being differentiated in the universe, represented as woman, constituted from a legitimized banishment that is transformed as a liberating and fantastic artifice of beauty and aberration.

“A human state, brutal, that reminds beasts, feminine and present that begins from simplicity and precariousness”

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